Additional Compressed Suffix Array Indexes

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Additional Compressed Suffix Array indexes

Here we offer additional Compressed Suffix Array indexes. These indexes were implemented for the specific paper cited below. Each one of these files includes the main routine in its source code, a README file and its respective MAKEFILE file. Additionally, we include the following methods to extract cells from the representation of the suffix array A[1...n]: (1) compute the time to extract a random cell A[i], (2) compute the time to extract k consecutive cells A[i,...,i+k-1], and (3) compute the time to extract from one to k consecutive cells A[i], A[i+1],... ,A[i+k-1].


The following compressed indexes are specific suffix array implementations.
This is the same index availabe in the index collection list. Additionally it has implemented the methods to run the experiments mentioned above.
The Compact Suffix Array of Mäkinen [2003], implemented by himself. We have added the source code for the experiments mentioned above.
The Compressed Suffix Array of Sadakane [2003], implemented by himself. We have added the source code for the experiments mentioned above.
The Compressed Suffix Array of Grossi and Vitter [2005], implemented by the authors of the paper below.
The structure of Rao [2002], implemented by the authors of the paper below.


Rodrigo González, Gonzalo Navarro And Héctor Ferrada. Locally Compressed Suffix Arrays. Submitted.

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